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Soul Meditations

Join our online events for intuitively led meditations to help you connect with your soul, and let it guide you to happiness and beyond.

Live guided meditations voiced from my Soul Friends.
These meditations are for those who are ready to awaken to heart consciousness, and are willing to go through any necessary life changes on their journey. 
Sessions are 1 hour long

What's invololved:

  • A check in of where you need guidance (optional).

  • A live guided meditation voiced from my Soul Friends (aprox 20 minutes). This will be recorded.

  • A chance to share your experience.

  • A digital copy of the recording.

  • Ongoing support via our social Heart Space.

Heart Pay - our version of 'pay what you can' with added high vibes.

Suggested Heart Payments:






Select an event date below, choose a suggested Heart Payment, or pay any other amount that feels good to you (from £1 up) and book your place.

The act of giving from the heart is far more powerful than the amount you pay.
Our Soul meditations are on hold for now, please contact us to register your interest and we will let you know new dates. Thanks for understanding :)

Upcoming Soul Meditations

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