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What Is Heart Consciousness?

For me, heart consciousness is awareness of the heart of All inside us. When awakened to this truth, I am heart conscious. My positive and negative aspects are in balance, my heart is wide open, I know who I really am, and everything I share is of the highest love. I love all life unconditionally, because I know it's all One.

Our products and services are created to support those awakening to heart consciousness, and help guide them through both the joy and the discomfort. 

Awakening to heart consciousness is usually a journey that brings much love and joy into our world. As our consciousness shifts, we may also experience life changes, some of which can be uncomfortable. 

What Is Heart Consciousness
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Heart Conscious Ceremony

My Soul Friends and I honour and celebrate everything we make in 

a heart conscious ceremony.

This involves aligning with the heart of All in the ingredients, people, elements, the planet and everything else that has been, or will be, part of the item's journey. We then bring this connection, along with our love 

and respect, into its creation.

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Heart Conscious States

My Soul Friends guide me in creating tools that have certain vibes, which support my awakening to natural heart conscious states. These 13 states help me become more aware of who I really am.

I share my experience of them here with the intention that they help you gain awareness of them in yourself.

Grace is the heart conscious state that the other 12 are are an aspect of.

You can buy these tools here

Heart Conscious States
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To be in ‘Wellness Consciousness’ is to be aware that harmony is the natural state of all.

When I am in a state of Wellness I feel whole. My heart, mind, body and soul, create as one in joy and peace, and my life is free flowing. I know my True Self is eternal, and I trust in this. I am in perfect harmony with All.

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To be in ‘Wealth Consciousness’ is to be aware of your own infinite power.

When I am in a state of Wealth there is a richness to life and I can feel my own power and that of the Earth combined. I trust the abundance of the Universe and welcome it into my life, allowing the free flow of All. Everything is effortless and I truly understand that there is always enough.

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To be in ‘Freedom Consciousness’ is to be aware that the Universe is infinite and friendly.

When I am in a state of Freedom my soul's expression is released out into the world. My heart touches the edges of the universe, I feel the effortless flow of life and can see we all work as one. I know I am free to create my soul's true desires.

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To be in ‘Peace Consciousness’ is to be aware that everything is working out beautifully.

When I am in a state of Peace I experience a calm, loving assurance that everything is just right. I am where I am meant to be, and life will unfold in a way that is perfect for me. I know I can face anything that comes my way, and will know just what to do. I trust life, my soul and the Universe.

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To be in ‘Joy Consciousness’ is to be aware that life is fun and everything is possible.

When I am in a state of Joy I feel expanded, open hearted and free. I know I am aligned with All, and life is full of joyful possibilities. I am open to exploring all life's magic, and everything I see is filled with wonder.

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To be in ‘Love Consciousness’ is to be aware that beauty and wonder reside in all.

When I am in a state of Love I am truly open. All my emotions are free flowing and I feel wonderful. I know I am loved unconditionally by All and that I am worthy of that love, and so is everyone and everything else. I feel blessed beyond words and my entire existence is full of magic.

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To be in ‘Grace Consciousness’ is to be aware that existence is highest love in motion.

When I am in a state of Grace life flows through me with ease and I am in complete surrender. I am an open channel for the heart of All, and All is me. Consciousness becomes one and there is only love - loving, peaceful, joyful, shining, true, well, wise, wealthy, pure, free, clear, sacred love. I am here.

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To be in ‘Shine Consciousness’ is to be aware that it’s safe to be the real you.

When I am in a state of Shine I feel clear, alive and free. My heart is filled with pure love and my True Self is shining from within for all to see. I know I am of All, I am open, transparent and true.

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To be in ‘Truth Consciousness’ is to be aware of what existence is really about.

When I am in a state of Truth I know who I truly am. I feel connected to the Universe and can see the bigger picture clearly. I am certain of where I am going, and can understand where I have been and why. I know the meaning of my life and why I'm here.

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To be in ‘Wisdom Consciousness’ is to be aware of your own higher vantage point.

When I am in a state of Wisdom I surrender my smaller understanding and allow the knowing of the Universe to pour through me. I feel sure of what to do, why to do it and what to say. I am an open channel for the wisdom of All.

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To be in ‘Purity Consciousness’ is to be aware that all that exists is worthy of love.

When I am in a state of Purity my heart is wide open and I feel my connection with the highest love. I am a clear channel for the power of All to move through, and my creations are pure. I love everyone and everything freely and truly.

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To be in ‘Clarity Consciousness’ is to be aware of your access to all consciousness.

When I am in a state of Clarity I feel in harmony with life, and my heart is pure and true. I know what is for the highest love, and all the information I receive through my senses is crystal clear. I trust my True Self can see all, know all, hear all and feel all.

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To be in ‘Sacredness Consciousness’ is to be aware that all consciousness and existence are one.

When I am in a state of Sacredness my heart shines with pure white light and is one with all hearts. My body has merged with all bodies, my mind is all minds and my consciousness is All. I am eternal, I am infinite, I am one.

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