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Conscious Poetry

Recorded out in nature while connecting to different consciousness around me. I find a poetic style of speaking a great way to share experiences, because feelings are beyond logical explanation. Download and enjoy. Especially good to listen to after our free meditation below, or any other meditation that helps shift your consciousness.

Audio poetry voiced from other conscious perspectives.

Free preparation meditation to help you open to new consciousness experiences. Use and relax, before listening to your conscious poetry.

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Choose a recording

Drifting Clouds

Drifting Clouds

Ducks Gathering

Ducks Gathering

Friendly Sheep

Friendly Sheep

Golden Wheat Fields

Golden Wheat Fields

Grandmother Yew Tree

Grandmother Yew Tree



Lady's Bedstraw

Lady's Bedstraw

Old Oak Tree

Old Oak Tree

Pure Loving Larch Trees

Pure Loving Larch Trees

Under the Scots Pines

Under the Scots Pines

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