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Business Constitution

Name of Organisation

The Social Enterprise is named Heart Conscious.

Business Structure and Roles

Joanna Whitehurst is the founder and Director of Heart Conscious, which includes Heart Space, with a legal structure of sole trader set up as a Social Enterprise (a business that reinvests profit to create positive social change), this is the UK Government’s definition:


“a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners”


Our vision is to live in a world where everyone is heart conscious.

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We intend to create high vibe social spaces, where members create positive vibes and support each other's discovery and growth of what really matters. We call these Heart Spaces.

To begin with, these Heart Spaces will be part of Heart Conscious, we aim to transform them into one Co-operative, which will then be owned and run by its members.

By asking for a monthly Heart Space subscription, we aim to form a central fund to help finance member's new or existing ethical non-profits and heart centered spaces, as well as our own.

Our aims are to:
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Share guidance, products, services and events that support users, including ourselves, in awakening to what we call heart consciousness.


Finance the start up and growth of our Heart Spaces using 100% of our profits from the sale of the above (after all expenses, wages and necessary business expansion costs have been financed).


Offer what we call Heart Payments (a choice of payments to suit the buyers income) for our services, subscriptions, events, downloadable products and Heart Spaces, making them available to all.


Share our experience of the benefits of what we call heart conscious living.


Provide a virtual Heart Space in the form of a global social media platform where members can safely connect with and support each other and share expertise, and create (or host their own existing) communities within the global community.


Provide physical Heart Spaces in the form of pop up cafes providing plant based whole food and meditation/quiet, community and presentation spaces.


Restructure our social media platform into a stand alone Co-operative social enterprise and create employment opportunities, as soon as we are able.


Be as environmentally and socially responsible as we possible can in all we do, say, think and create.


Connect with and support existing business, communities and social enterprises who share and/or support our vision, mission and values.


Reach our target of 300,000 plus Heart Space members.


Create a central fund from all profit remaining (after all expenses, wages and necessary business expansion costs have been financed) from our social media platform membership fee to:

Help finance the expansion of our mission. 

Help finance Heart Space member's new or existing social spaces and/or ethical social enterprises (non-profits) that share or support our vision, mission and values. 


Provide physical Heart Spaces around the world in the form of permanent 24 hour cafes, providing plant based whole food and meditation/quiet, community and presentation spaces.


Encourage the sharing of:

what we call heart centred (positive, loving and empowering) information and/or wisdom

environmentally and socially supportive and consciously aware goods, information and services supplied by members or recommended by members 

personal consciousness and awareness experiences 

guidance and support for other members in their spiritual/personal growth

in order to create positivity that helps us all awaken to what we call heart consciousness.


Cultivate awareness of what we call heart consciousness.


Become heart consciousness in every moment.

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We are all able to make positive life changes and overcome fearful attitudes, regardless of our history or situation and every story deserves to be heard and understood.


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It is our understanding that we all have our own inner wisdom that can be accessed, aligned with and enhanced.


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It is our intention to treat everyone and every being with the same respect and understanding that we give and expect for ourselves.


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As individuals we each have unique perspectives and experiences of consciousness, life and how we interact with our environment, all of which are equally valid. And we are all aspects of One being that work together in harmony, becoming conscious of this gives us an expanded perspective.


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We are open to joining with other positive thinkers, loving hearts and seeking souls.

It’s really important to us to be professional, conscientious, honest and transparent in all our affairs and transactions.



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We give assistance in making positive life changes, increasing awareness of heart consciousness, accessing inner wisdom, finding meaning and expression and creating supportive, loving community in any appropriate way available to us.

For us it is perfectly acceptable to agree to disagree in matters where no overlap of perspective or understanding occur and so remain authentic, while also allow others to do so.


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By supporting each other with kindness and love, whether we have an overlap or not, we intend to create a heart centred way of life.


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All members have the freedom to leave our Heart Space permanently or leave and rejoin whenever they choose.


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We intend to use and support suppliers with high ethical and environmental standards wherever possible and share information about these, our reports and our wages.

There are infinite ways to achieve personal and spiritual transformation all of which have value, bringing these together can help us all find the truth.


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Sharing, and encouraging the sharing, of awareness of humanity’s inherent natural ability to experience uplifting, enlightening and empowering states of being is very important to us.


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All our relationships are highly valued, and we aim to be as ethically, environmentally, socially and animal friendly as possible in all areas.


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The result of making either a loving or fearful choice in each moment has significant impact upon our own lives, humanity and that of our environment. We are committed to choosing love.

We believe it is essential to cultivate awareness that we are all valuable human beings regardless of our culture, belief system, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, abilities or any other perspective.


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Reporting our Progress

Our progress and achievements will be reviewed every 6 months (after our first year of trading), and a report showing the results will be published here.

When our business structure changes in the future, all new Directors and employees will also be paid a fair and reasonable wage.

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Financial Matters & Donation Policy

The principal aim of Heart Conscious, including Heart Space, is to reinvest all financial surpluses into financing our mission and completing our objectives. This means that all profit remaining after business expenses (including taxes) and wages have been financed will be put towards expanding our business and creating Heart Spaces, i.e., 100% of our profits will be reinvested.

The current legal form of our business is sole trader, therefore all accounting requirements and financial controls are the responsibility of Joanna Whitehurst. 

As the current legal form of our business is sole trader, we only have one wage and this we have capped at £40,000 per annum (Joanna Whitehurst current wage is £0.00, February 2022). This will be reviewed yearly to make sure our Director is paid a fair and reasonable wage.

As we are a social enterprise, all donations we receive are considered to be part of our business income and will be treated as such. However, all funding obtained via external fundraising sources will only be used for the objectives stated at the time of fundraising.

Changes to the Constitution

Heart Conscious may change this constitution at any time as our business grows, e.g., to reflect a new structure, improve our values or update our mission statement. 

This constitution was adopted on 22/02/22.


In highest love,


Joanna Whitehurst

Financial Matters
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