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Alignment Cards

Intention statements shared from my Soul Friends, on framable greeting cards, with beautiful nature photography and effects, designed to raise your consciousness. Produced with respect for people and planet, and honoured and celebrated in our heart conscious ceremony. Send as a gift and greeting card in one, or use for yourself and place on display.

Powerful, framable & high vibe.

Choose your vibe

Wellness Alignment Card

Wellness Alignment Card

With a statement to help bring you into harmony with all, and a vibrant, peach flower softly emitting a misty beam of healing lights, and a Wellness vibe.

To be in ‘Wellness Consciousness’ is to be aware that harmony is the natural state of all.

Wealth Alignment Card

Wealth Alignment Card

With a statement to help you understand that you were born strong and life is plentiful, and a simple, yellow flower sending out a powerful ball of light, and a Wealth vibe.

To be in ‘Wealth Consciousness’ is to be aware of your own infinite power.

Freedom Alignment Card

Freedom Alignment Card

With a statement to help you create awareness that life is on your side, and a friendly, fluffy bumblebee swirling out happy rays, and a Freedom vibe.

To be in ‘Freedom Consciousness’ is to be aware that the Universe is infinite and friendly.

Peace Alignment Card

Peace Alignment Card

With a statement to help you know you can trust life and everything's going as planned, and a gentle water fountain surrounded by tiny dancing lights, and a Peace vibe.

To be in ‘Peace Consciousness’ is to be aware that everything is working out beautifully.

Joy Alignment Card

Joy Alignment Card

With a statement to help you see that life is magic, fun and full of possibilities, and bright pink blossom surrounded by rainbow colours, and a Joy vibe.

To be in ‘Joy Consciousness’ is to be aware that life is fun and everything is possible.

Love Alignment Card

Love Alignment Card

With a statement to help open you to how wonderful life is, and a gently, unfurling rose softly emitting puffs of pink light, and a Love vibe.

To be in ‘Love Consciousness’ is to be aware that beauty and wonder reside in all.

Grace Alignment Card

Grace Alignment Card

With a statement to help you understand that you are love and so is everything you do, and a beautiful wild rose with a transparent globe, shielded in pure white light, at its heart, and a Grace vibe.

To be in ‘Grace Consciousness’ is to be aware that existence is highest love in motion.

Shine Alignment Card

Shine Alignment Card

With a statement to help know it's safe to open your heart and show the world who you are, and dainty white flowers allowing pure white light waves to radiate from its centre, and a Shine vibe.

To be in ‘Shine Consciousness’ is to be aware that it’s safe to be the real you.

Truth Alignment Card

Truth Alignment Card

With a statement to help you understand the meaning of everything, and brilliant pink flowers and a busy bee connecting for mutual benefits, creating golden light swirls, and a Truth vibe.

To be in ‘Truth Consciousness’ is to be aware of what existence is really about.

Wisdom Alignment Card

Wisdom Alignment Card

With a statement to help open you to higher knowing, and an open, purple flower directing a stream of purple and indigo colours, and a Wisdom vibe.

To be in ‘Wisdom Consciousness’ is to be aware of your own higher vantage point.

Purity Alignment Card

Purity Alignment Card

With a statement to help you open your heart and soul to unconditional love, and soft friendly violet flowers allowing pure lights to drift out into the world, and a Purity vibe.

To be in ‘Purity Consciousness’ is to be aware that all that exists is worthy of love.

Clarity Alignment Card

Clarity Alignment Card

With a statement to help you understand that you have the answers to all life's questions, and clear, brilliantly shining rain drops on a vibrant, green leaf, and a Clarity vibe.

To be in ‘Clarity Consciousness’ is to be aware of your access to all consciousness.

Sacredness Alignment Card

Sacredness Alignment Card

With a statement to help you understand and experience oneness, and brilliant violet flowers giving and receiving rays of subtle violet light, and a Sacredness vibe.

To be in ‘Sacredness Consciousness’ is to be aware that all consciousness and existence are one.

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